Friday, April 3, 2009

Abcde's First Easter Egg Hunt. Newport Beach.

Got home from work, freshened up and out the door with the family to take Abcde to her first Easter Egg Hunt in Newport Beach. Drove to the park that had the signs up, only to find out, the sign was promoting the Egg Hunt at another park! Drove down to the other park only to find 2 huge lines of cars fighting to get int the entrance.

After 30 minutes of inching our way in and driving almost 3 blocks away to find a parking spot, we made our way back to the park and find a really cool setup with several bounce houses, huge slides numerous tents with activities for kids, lots of food booths etc.

Time for the little kids to setup around the roped area and rush for the thousands of eggs. there were probably couple hundred kids between 2-3 with their parents and siblings all crowding the ropes with anxiety. The countdown starts. 3 .. 2.. 1 and the rush begins. Now it's complete mayhem and Abcde is ready to grab her eggs.

Of course because of greedy, rude, unthoughtful and just plain dumbass parents, all the kids are lost on what to do because all the adults are too busy yelling and pushing to make sure their little "precious rugrats" gets first dibs on the "good eggs". One lady in front of me not only moves her way to block Abcde from getting any eggs, but her obnoxious mother pushes the Eggs in front of Abcde towards her grandson so he gets all the eggs. WTF?

So to be fair, I pushed all the eggs back!
Good times!

We're done. Time to go home!!


Corinne Snider said...

She is so cuuttteee!!! I love her Hello Kitty sweater. I wish people didn't have to be selfish jerks all the time though, they ruin it for everyone!

Momma Imp said...

I totally understand how you feel. We went to a hunt today and it was so amazing to me how rude people were! Naturally I expect with kids under the age of 4 to have a parent with them to hold the basket and help a little but there were parents and older siblings "helping" their little ones by scooping up as many eggs as possible! I had to take my son into the middle of the field and then begin glaring a people to keep them from shoving him out of the way and taking eggs from him. After a while I just had to pick up some eggs for him so he would at least fill up the bottom of his basket, which was a normal sized small basket that holds about 15 eggs max, because ADULTS kept trying to grab eggs out from under him. It totally confused him and really angered me. I just wish the egg hunt people would set some rules or something, because obliviously they can't count on people being polite and letting the kids just have fun.

Rochelle said...

hey ed! ur baby girl's sooo cute! too bad u guys had a bad experience on her 1st easter egg hunt. At least she won't remember it! What's up w/ those damn rude parents!!! I HATE people like that! Cerritos is having their Easter egg hunt on the 11th at Regional Park. They've always had it at Heritage Park. But it's somewhat a controlled chaotic event. The nice thing is that it's divided by age. so u don't have the big kids trampling over the lil ones. Go there if u can! Take care Ed! Ro

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

That's dumb. Maybe we should host our own alternative egg hunt next year. Damn pushy NB people.