Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Bother Me, I'm Eating!


Unknown said...

she's too damn cute!

MaryAnne Wendt said...

O M G... too cute! How old is abcde? She's such a good little eater! I like how she pushes the food onto her spoon hee hee! :-)

TodayBledFate said...

Aw dude, she is adorable! She is a good little eater, using her spoon! What is she eating?

Annette said...

OMG! too cute. Glad she's adjusting to the new diet.

BeatActivated said...

so ADORABLE!! she got it down! with tha lil head tilt in tha end too heehee

Elissa L. said...

dude, what an excellent eater you have. Consider yourself lucky. My daughter is not a good eater. We spend most meals saying, "sophia eat, sophia pick up your fork, sophia put some food in your mouth"

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Adorable as usual....

Ack! Panda! My first job was at Panda!!

I love the videos of Abcde!

Suz Broughton said...

Aww, so cute.
How has it escaped my attention that you have a blog? How? Have to go check it out :)