Do you believe in ghosts? Every so often i would hear furniture moving in our house. When I walk out, there is noone there and a chair is moved completely from its place. The creepy part, is that half eaten food would be found with no explanation. I finally decided to setup my iphone to see if it would capture and ghosts or apparitions on video.
What you are about to witness is real. There are no video editing done to this footage. Watch at your own discretion. I am only allowing you, my friends to view this so you can see for yourself.
I was requested to come down for the AP Tour Pomona show, by my friend Scott from ROCKAHOLIC who was on the THE AP TOUR 2009 as the official hairstylist for 30H!3, the Maine, Family Force 5, Hit the Lights and A Rocket to the Moon.
I arrived right before the doors opened at 6pm. Parking wasn't as crazy as I thought. Packed my iphones and gear and headed right up to the Glass House. The line was wrapped all the way around the building from 2 directions.
As I walked up, Scott found me right away, gave me 2 All Access passes for me and my son Noah. Gotta love great hookups! Especially when you're working a show.
Inside was more of a zoo than the crazy line outside, as hundreds of people storm the merch tables buying tee shirts and collecting all the free posters and stickers they can!
First thing I picked up was my playlist so I knew who was going on when!
Scott shares what his role is with the AP TOUR and how ROCKAHOLIC really rocks!
I was stoked to see Chelsea, another good friend of mine, who happens to be the booking manager for the Viper Room in LA and founder of HIGH VOLTAGE MAGAZINE.
Chillin backstage with Sean and Nat of 3OH!3 before the show starts.
All the bands just hanging out backstage before the show stars.
First up, ROCKET TO THE MOON, I apologize that my iphone cannot record quality sound, but you can feel the incredible vibe this band can put out! Amazing sound and perfomance!
Minutes before rockin' the crowd, Scott makes sure band members of HIT THE LIGHTS are well groomed with ROCKAHOLIC! This guy really knows his product!
Gotta love the ROCKET GIRLS hanging out backstage!
Backstage, Scott gives a lesson on ROCKAHOLIC products, even for the bad hair days, as he demonstrates on Brandon, AP Tour crew social media blogger!
This sign cracks me up. Really.
Some cutie getting her pic with one of her favorite band members.
Group of girls are excited to meet their favorite bands backstage.
Last minute touches for lead singer of 3OH!3 before walking on stage!
3OH!3 walking out on stage with their posse as the crowd roars!
I really wish this sound quality could show you how much 3OH!3 rocked the house!
FAMILY FORCE 5's dressing room.
Actually. Everyone's dressing room!
Hit The Lights lunch on the AP Tour!
Scott just never stops working, does he?
Everywhere I went backstage, Tigi product was everywhere! Free samples of Rockaholic: Creative Color and True Lights.
Family Force 5's drum kit, custom designed by SPAWN Drums was watiting backstage ready for their show to start.
Family Force 5 was definitely the one everyone wanted to watch! Unfortunately, I left the show before their set went on.
On my way out the front door and who do I bump into? It's Russ from Music Saves Lives. Russ and I have been working together for over 4 years hooking so many people up with VIP and backstage passes to Warped Tour, just by donating blood to the American Red Cross.
If you want the hookups to 2009 Warped Tour, keep checking my blogs.
I did not record any video of Tom and Angels and Airwaves performing, as per their request.
Wahoo's was a special request to come out and feed 50 special winners chosen from a contest presented by ATT. Winners were bussed in to the Macbeth corporate offices where Tom Delonge's private studio is located as well. There was alot of presentation, giveaways, families, and of course delicous eats by Wahoo's! The band played an accoustic set after Tom talked personally with all his guests. It was a very cool vibe! 2 thumbs up!
The best part of it all, the great hookups on shoes! Thanks Macbeth! Looking forward to rocking the Green Day and Taking Back Sunday promotions with you!
Together, they raised almost enough to fund all ten dreams at 100%.
But almost wasn't good enough. To close the gap and raise the final dollars, they came up with a crazy idea.
They put a bunch of people on the Carousel at South Coast Plaza and we wouldn't let them off until they had raised the remaining money. In the end, they raised more than $70,000 and successfully closed the gap.
Wing Lam's eye view of everyone waiting for the carousel to go round and round and starting making phone calls to raise money to get them off !
Quy Nguyen of Allyance raised over $5,000!
No cheating!
Wing Lam of Wahoo's Fish Taco raising close to $6,000! in 2 hours!
Real men ride Carousels! Wing Lam, Noah McMahan and Quy Nguyen
Ride em Cowboy! Yee haw!
Sandy Segerstrom Daniels, the Queen of Charities herself! Proud to announce that Festival of Children and the Possible Dream was able to raise well over $70,000 in less than 2 hours! There was also plenty of beverages, beer and wine and of course Wahoo's to keep the riders full of energy! Thank you to everyone who participated!
Congratulations to Winner #2! Brian Byers 17, Fullerton High School. She won a Nitro Snowboard. 4 lift tickets to Bear Mt. Nomis snow gear, 32 Snowboots, Nitro bindings, Electric Eyewear Goggles, Wahoo's / Vestal Watch, Skull Candy headphones, Active hoodies and beanies, and so much more!
Briana was one of hundreds of entries at Fullerton High School Career Expo, where she entered her name and number and was picked as Wahoo's / Bear Mt Winner!
Congratulations to DANIELLE BROWN, 18 from Irvine, CA for winning one of our Bear Mountain Snowboard Packages!
Nitro Snowboard and bindings, Electric Sunglasses, Skull Candy headphones, Wahoo's Watch, Nomis snowboarding gear and of course 4 unlimited lift tickets to Bear Mt!
CONGRATULATIONS ONCE AGAIN DANIELLE! Who says you can't win from Wahoo's!
Walking back to the Loft on 6th Street for the 3rd Day of the Spin Magazine and Myspace VIP and Green room party, I shot the line outside of Emo's as a few thousand kids waited in line to watch Family Force Five.
Then half a block down, there was another huge line right oustide another venue! Insane in the membrane!
More upcoming band interviews for Myspace Music.
A very rare surprise performance by James Kelly.
Once again, Wahoo's is there serving up steak taquitos, Baja Rolls with our green saude, Chicken Banzai Burritos, Fish Banzai Burritos and Veggie Banzai Burritos, along with cookes and fresh veggie platter!
Even Batman cannot go without his Banzai Fish Burrito!
Look who showed up ! Its FunWithYourFood and Stacy Clark from Twitter! You definitely need to follow them!
Jeremy form Oakley giving his thumbs up for some good Wahoo's grub, free drinks and shwag!
Hey! It's the Pac Sun Social Media Masteress herself: Denise Graciano!
Paul Palacios events and promotions of Monster Energy Where the parties at, yo!
Linnea Gibson Special Events and promotions director for Myspace. Thank you for all the cool myspace shwag and ipod cases!
Ashley LaFerriere Social Media Videographer of Pac Sun!
The one the only, Kevin Lyman, founder and everthing Warped Tour! Great seeing you at Spin and looking forward to rocking Warped Tour 09! for more updates add Warped Tour Twitter!
Don't bother me, I am blogging. More free shwag? More alcohol? What?
Everyone loves Lindsey Tredent, Myspace Music Marketing Genius! This was our SXSW prom pic!
Jeff and Kellie from Music Saves Lives!
Back roaming the streets, there is always some damn good live music playing somewhere!
More crazy places to grab a quick bite on the streets!
Lost? No problem, there are posted maps everywhere!
Dinner at the BOILING POT. Menu is simple. Everything, lobster, crab, crawfish, corn on the cob and sausages, all boiled, drained out and poured out on the table and everyone man for himself. And yes, it is very cajun and spicy!
Dinner at the BOILING CRAB! Awesome spot. The name says it all. They serve you a boling pot of crab, crawefish, shrimp, potatoes and sausages in the middle of the table. No plates, just your hands. Down and dirty with everything. Love it!
Hook up the beers Wing!
11:00 pm. Traffic is horrendous. We would have better luck winning the lottery than getting a cab off the streets. 45 minutes later we finally get cab and make it to the Red Bull Party! and it was rocking like no other!
Redbull VIP after party at the Red Bull Camp. 11pm - 6am! 1:00am Red Bull Vodka's poured left and right. We never made it to the Green Room to hang out with Erykah Badu and Crystal Method because security was being overstrict with the credentials and too many people were in there as it was. It was alot more chill just to be with the fun crowd all hanging out in the VIP area.
It's now 1:30 am. Hungry after all them Red Bull Vodkas? No worries! Wahoo's Taco Truck is setup for a complete mobile kitchen. Want rice, beans 2 fish tacos? How about a Banzai veggie burrito? Teriyaki steak bowl over rice? Make it simple, just grilled chicken taco? No problem! Wahoo's has it all cooked to order and ready to go!
2:30am Next After Party at the SMOKIN' MUSIC bar setup for SXSW sponsored by Spin Magazine. The line was way out of control. Actually the streets were way out of control as venues are shutting down for the night, everyone was looking for the"next spot" to be at. Not only do you have to have the right credentials and laminates but your name has to be on the list. 45 minutes in line and we were all in. I looked outside and the line was tripled deep with masses of drunken partiers who want to keep the night rockin'!