Had a filling breakfast courtesy of the Hilton Garden Hotel and walked down to the Convention Center to pick up our credentials and laminates. From there straight down 6th street to the Pecan Street Cafe Where Spin Magazine and Myspace was hosting their private VIP event.
On the way we passed a huge crowd of over 1900 people waiting in a very unorganized mass. Didn't realize this mess wrapped all the way around the building and down another 2 blocks.
Never found out who everyone was waiting to see. But a massive fight broke out and the crowd just egged the fight to keep going, until the cops showed up. Gotta love Austin, TX!
Cops showed and everyone just kept doing their thing. Oh well, time to keep walking to our destination.
Gary and Jourdan of Wahoo's Austin showed up in their customized Taco Truck getting ready to setup for the Spin / Myspace party. Wing Lam, co-founder of Wahoo's poses with Gary.
Hosting interviews with bands was the legendary John Norris of MTV. Free shwag everywhere. Myspace was giving away cool MS logo'd covers for your iphones, CK had tons of free bottle samples. Airwalk gave away cooll shoes and flip flops. Flip phones to record video and you just plug right into your laptop, sweet! not to mention all the free flowing drinks all day!
Of course Wahoo's was there serving up Veggie Banzai Burritos, Grilled Fish Burritos, Baja rolls, and veggie platters! mmm mmmm good!
Can't forget the hot Flip Phone girls with Wing Lam and the custom Wahoo's Vans thanks to Steve Vandoren, size 66!
Yes, I had to show off as well. shhh.
During a quick break, John Norris posed to show off his hot new Rock Da Mullet sticker to put on his car! Yah, John, you rock!
Its the rad, the crazy, the HOT HOT HOT Miss Lindsay Tredent of Myspace Music ! What makes her so hot? click the video above and find out!
Tori Amos even showed up to do a quick interview with John Norris!
James Iha from Smashing Pumpkins with his new band, Tinted Windows.
The streets outside were packed once again and music was playing loud and live in all the bars and venues! colorful people were everywhere!
Gotta love the free bags of shwag at these bitchin tradeshows!
Yes, even Dreadlock and Crocs with their huge pups were out for musical enjoyment!
Great dinner at the Parkside restaurant, thank you to Spin Magazine . Off into the night to rock the crowds, once again!
No clue who they were, all I know was I got a great spot in the back, free booze and alot of fun people to hang with. I love Austin, TX!
Great blog post. See you can be a blogger too. That's an awesome report. I'm jealous! Have fun!
So those are the size 66's! Wow!
Keep having a good time down there.
Love it! Don't know where I was but looks like I missed all the fun!
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