SXSW Day 3 Spin Mag parties / Metallica / Red Bull
Good Morning Austin! Beautiful day to be in Texas!
Great view from my room. In a few hours, these streets will be filled with a couple hundred thousand people!
Great short set from Jason Lytle band.
Wing setting up the burritos for the hungry folks.
What are we serving today, Wing?
This is rad! I walk out my hotel room, and who is on the front cover of the SXSWORLD magazine, in front of every hotel room in Austin, TX, the raddest upcoming artist from Atlanta, GA, Janelle Monae!
Here she is being interviewed by John Norris of MTV. I wish I had my magazine with me for an autograph. =(
Nevermind. I got something much better! Thanks Janae!
Wing and Jordan (Wahoo's Austin, TX) talking shop.
Time to head back out and watch a few more bands at the different venues on the way back to our hotel.
Being stopped from one cute girl after another handing out promotional shwag and cd samples from all the big labels!
Can't forget the lines at the many roach coaches selling Pizza, Hot Dogs, Bratwurst . . .
. . . and you can't forget CUPCAKES! how can you not buy a cupcake off the streets!
Finally made it to STUBBS. Another crazy mess of people trying to get in. But we found our way upstairs with a perfect view to finish the last set of the BLACK LIPS.
While that was going on, I walked inside the VIP area and CUT OFF YOUR HANDS was going off! The bar was packed. The girls were dancing and I found a table to setup and keep blogging away! My job never ends.
Of course, Wing was more concentrated on the game!
. . . and yes, if anyone is wondering, I AM STILL WORKING! Getting all my ads in before deadline, emails and artwork all while 2,300 other party people are are getting drunk around me! Thanks.
What is Wing doing? What else, getting some more free shwag from Havianas!
and meeting new and old friends.
What I have been waiting for all day! ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN!
Walking back to my room, had to take pics of the street scenery!
. . . and the endless number of roach coaches parked in every available spot!
Can't forget all the band promotions all over the place!
Headed back out to to dinner with the very cool Spin Magazine people. Gotta love all the fun people out in the streets!
The walk back, seemed like the population tripled! Everyone is definitely out tonite! You can hear all the music in the background at every venue we walked by. Band after band after band after band!
Weaving in and out of the swarm of people, we arrive back at STUBBS to check out the GUITAR HERO - METALLICA show thanks to Spin magazine for the laminates and VIP passes to get us pass the long out of control lines of people.
Sercurity was really cool with us and just let us all walk in, while hundreds others were still waiting oustide for hours.
Holy Cow! I thought the lines outside were bad!! The beer lines were even worse!!
!!!!!!!! METALLICA ROCKS !!!!!!! Sorry the sound quality is horrible. It was extremely loud and hardcore! All videos were shot directly off my iphones. Thanks to, Qik and Flixwagon.
Awesome way to end the night! What? Red Bull after party with Shwayze?? Ok, here we go. . . 1am to 6am After Party! Too bad the batteries on my iphone and G1 are dying and I wasn't able to take any more pics!
Dude, I don't know where you find the time! twitter, blogs, and facebook. But it's always cool to see where you are and what you're thinking and doing!
One word = METALLICA!!!!!! OMG, they are my fav. You just brought a small tear to my eye.
I love the play by play, you rock.
When you get back we need to rock ur blog. You are doing a great job blogging. You're a natural, of course.
Thanks for letting us little people be a part of the fun!
wow! looks fun. hope ur having a great time
i'm loving the blog, the vids, video, all that is awesome :) def like how we get to see what u get to do on your travels
Dude, I don't know where you find the time! twitter, blogs, and facebook.
But it's always cool to see where you are and what you're thinking and doing!
super hot blog and videos.. awesumly put together.. your an amazing fun guy.. followed & BM'ed keep rockin :0
Damn Eddie, you must be the coolest, luckiest cat on earth!
Thank you for all your responses!
Looking forward to sharing much much more with all of you! So many more shows to come!
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