Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do You Believe In Ghosts?


Do you believe in ghosts? Every so often i would hear furniture moving in our house. When I walk out, there is noone there and a chair is moved completely from its place. The creepy part, is that half eaten food would be found with no explanation. I finally decided to setup my iphone to see if it would capture and ghosts or apparitions on video.

What you are about to witness is real. There are no video editing done to this footage. Watch at your own discretion. I am only allowing you, my friends to view this so you can see for yourself.

Hope you guys have a beautiful day!


Anonymous said...

Adorable little ghost child!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Ohhh look at the little climber ghost!!

~T said...

What a beautiful and smart little ghost you have! :)

Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Hey, ghosts like CAKE! I can see why some companionship might help. God forbid both you and mama need to go to the bathroom at the same time...
